Welcome to I AM global ministries

Led by the Holy Spirit to lead nations to Jesus Christ

Apostle Praise Kambula is the founder and the senior pastor of I AM global ministries- envisioned to ‘Globally building Spirit-led disciples for the second coming of Christ’. She is an ordained Apostle, who is also called as a deliverance minister, Prophet, Preacher and Teacher of the Word. She is a testimony of a Spirit-taught and Spirit-led servant of God. No man on earth can claim glory of the work she does for the Lord and how God uses her. She is a new breed that God keeps molding to take part in the leadership of the emerging spiritual dispensation that promotes the Spirit-guided Apostolic and Prophetic movement.

Boldly and openly, she berates spiritual lukewarmness and coyness that threaten to take a peak in the body of Christ today. She believes that this is one of the machinations of the enemy to blunt the anointing of God in many saints and to turn them into idle benchwarmers- rich with untapped power of God. Her Apostolic calling shakes to life the Joshuas and Timothys of this era to walk the walk of Christ with fulfilment that comes from operating in God’s purpose. She is one of voices determined to fight fake powers that have defiled the body of Christ.

In 2017 the Lord sent Ps Linda Patterson, the founder of Fisherman’s Village, to deliver a word to Apostle Praise that God has blessed her with a mantle to teach on the Courts of Heaven. Having practiced in the courts of South Africa for twelve years and later as an advocate, this revelation came as no surprise. In the same year, Praise started to take her cases to the Courts of Heaven and began to experience mind-blowing victories within a short space of time. She moved to teaching on the subject and saw the amazing hand of the Righteous Judge delivering saints speedily from the clutches of the enemy. Her approach to the topic is practical and rudimentary, and she tackles it with passion and patience.

Apostle Praise was born in Cape Town, South Africa. She is the first pastor in her family. She considers her two sisters, Nori and elder Thebe, as great blessings in her life. Her parents passed on some years ago, and are now with the Lord. She is a lawyer and a fervent activist in the protection of the rights of women.

Apostle Praise Kambula

Senior Pastor & Founder

Elder Zwai

Office Manager

Elder Thebe

Music Ministry

Pastor | Prof Zoliswa Fikelepi-Twani

Events and Fellowships

Pastor Mike

Events and Fellowships


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Forgiveness Prayer

Forgiveness Prayer

It is written, ‘…whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him and let it drop (leave it, let it go)

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Prayer to present yourself as a Holy Firstfruit to the Lord

Prayer to present yourself as a Holy Firstfruit to the Lord

Lord, I present my body as a living sacrifice of firstfruits, holy and acceptable unto You Rom 12:1.

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Prayer to seek and follow the Wisdom of God

Prayer to seek and follow the Wisdom of God

A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels

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Release the vengeance of the Lord upon wickedness

Release the vengeance of the Lord upon wickedness

‘The Lord is a God who avenges, shine up. Judge of the earth; pay back to the proud what they deserve.’- Ps 94:1-2.

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Do you eat in your dreams? You need this deliverance prayer

Do you eat in your dreams? You need this deliverance prayer

Do you eat in your dreams? You need this deliverance prayer

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Prayer to destroy evil foundations

Prayer to destroy evil foundations

Prayer to destroy evil foundations

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Deliverance Prayer Against Witchcraft

Deliverance Prayer Against Witchcraft

Do this prayer for 7 days or before you are scheduled for a deliverance session.

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Prayer against the monitoring spirits

Prayer against the monitoring spirits

I break all legal rights that gave any demons access into my life, I take back my dominion over them in Jesus’ name- Gen 1:27;

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Prayer against the Haman's of today

Prayer against the Haman's of today

In 2023, God says, ‘My wrath is steadfast against devil worshippers and the rest of the agents alike.

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Prayer to send a flying scroll against thieves!

Prayer to send a flying scroll against thieves!

Zechariah 5 | 3 3 Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it.

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Gentle Whisper Today



From Elohim

Salvation means being born again spiritually to become the righteous child of God. By the Blood of Jesus, you are set free from all sins and uncleanness and set apart from this evil world. You become a new being in Christ, and the old life is gone, whilst the new life begins- John 3:1-21; 2 Corinthians 5:17.
It is God’s desire for everyone to be saved from going to hell for God did not create hell’s lake of fire for people, but for Satan and his demons. By His grace, He brings salvation to everyone, including you - 1 Timothy 2:4-6; Revelation 20:10; Titus 2:11
Jesus Christ is the source of your eternal salvation, only if you believe that He is your Lord and Saviour. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and no one goes to heaven, except by Him- Hebrews 5:9; John 14:6; John 3:16.
There is no sin that is too high or too deep for Jesus not to reach. Jesus died for everyone to receive salvation through His powerful Blood, which can wash away every sin. Whoever you are and however you are and wherever you are, Jesus wants to save you from eternal death- Romans 5:8-11; John 3:16.
Absolutely nothing! Jesus expects you to come to Him the way you are as He is the only One Who can change you. No one is saved by good deeds. Salvation is God’s gift of love, grace and mercy, and is now freely offered to you- Ephesians 2:8.  
You will be saved if you honestly and faithfully say, ‘Jesus is Lord’, and if you truly believe with all your heart that God raised Him from death, and is now your Living Redeemer and Saviour- Romans 10:9-10.
Step 1: Humble yourself before God, and admit that you are a sinner- Romans 3:10
Step 2: Ask God to forgive you of all the sins you committed- Psalm 51; Acts 17:30
Step 3: Confess with your mouth that ‘Jesus is Lord’- Romans 10:9-13; Acts 2:21.
Step 4: Believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, and is now a Living God- Romans 10:9-10.
Step 5: Invite Jesus Christ to come into life and be your Lord and personal Saviour- Romans 10:13.
Step 6: Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to deposit His Spirit inside you to guide you into all truth, and to give you power- John 16:13; Acts 1:8.
Step 7: Declare with your mouth that you are now a new being in Christ; your old life has gone and your new life has began. Thank Jesus for saving you- 2 Corinthians 5:17.
Dear God, I humbly admit before You that I am a sinner. I believe that Jesus Christ shed His precious blood, and died for my sins so that I can be forgiven. Now, I turn to You God and ask You to forgive me of all the sins I committed. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord, and I believe with all my heart that He died for me and rose from the dead. Lord Jesus Christ, now I invite you into my life to become my personal Saviour. Deposit inside me Your Spirit to guide me into all truth and give me the divine power. In the name of Jesus, now I declare that I am a new being in Christ Jesus. My old life has gone and my new life in Christ has began. Thank you, Lord Jesus for saving my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray.
Contact any of our friendly Evangelists at evangelism@iamglobalministries.co.za , and he /she will gladly call you at the contact number you have offered to lead you in prayer.

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  • 4 Aambeeld Street, Silvertondale, Pretoria, South Africa
  • 0184